Salmon has many benefits for the human body, it reduces the chance of heart disease and some types of cancer, and it also prevents hair loss.
Free fish is one of the marine varieties that can be served as a main dish on the table. It is characterized by its delicious taste and multiple benefits because it contains a high percentage of minerals and vitamins.
The boneless chicken is a well-known dish in the Levant, especially Syria. Here is how to make the boneless chicken.
Crispy fried fish is a seafood that tastes great, so how do you prepare fried fish? Let's learn about the methods of preparing the most delicious varieties
يعتبر السمك من الأطعمة الشهية، والمليئة بالعناصر الغذائية الهامّة ويتبل مع الكزبرة وبعض التوابل كما أنّه يحضر بطرق عديدة، ومنوعة، إذا يقدم مقلياً، ومشوياً، ومحشياً