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sponge cake

Sponge cake is one of the simplest, fastest, most delicious and most delicious ways and cake recipes that are served.

Total Time
60 mins
Serves 5

How to Make It

  • 1. Part
    First, we turn on the oven at 160 degrees. To prepare the mixture: In a bowl we put the egg whites and half the amount of sugar, then we mix them well for about 3-4 minutes, and then in another bowl we put the egg yolks and the remaining half of the sugar, flavored, then we mix them well, then add hot water with constant stirring. To the mixture, then add olive oil and stir it with the mixture, then add starch, flour and baking powder, then mix the ingredients well, then add the second bowl to the first bowl and stir all the ingredients.
  • 2. Part
    Method of application: We grease the mold with a little butter, then add a little flour to it, then we pour the cake mixture into the mold, then add a few pieces of walnut, and then we put the mold into the oven for 40 minutes, and after 40 minutes we turn off the oven temperature and leave it for 5 minutes Then we open the oven door a little and leave it for 10-15 hours, and then the cake is ready.


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    • 10 grams baking powder
    • 120 grams cornstarch
    • 100 grams of flour
    • 70 grams vegetable oil
    • 100 ml hot water
    • tablespoon vanilla
    • 180 grams of sugar
    • 4 large eggs


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