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Simit cake

One of the most famous types of cakes in the world, which is considered the food of the rich and poor in Turkey, is the Simit cake.

Total Time
20 mins
Serves 7

How to Make It

  • 1. Part

    To prepare the dough: In a bowl we put flour, salt, sugar, yeast, then mix the ingredients a little, then add warm water, vegetable oil, and then we knead all the ingredients until we get the consistency of the dough, then we cut the dough into large equal pieces and we separate each piece A little of the dough, and then we soften each piece of dough with a drop of oil, then we close them with wrapping paper, and leave them for a quarter of an hour, and then we spread each piece of the dough lengthwise about half a meter long, and then we roll the piece of dough until it becomes a cake Then leave them for about 10 minutes.

    To prepare the date molasses mixture: In a bowl, put date molasses (or grape molasses), then add warm water to it and mix them well until.

  • 2. Part

    Grilling stage: We turn on the oven at a temperature of 200 (above and below) for half an hour, then put each piece of cake in a little molasses mixture, and then in a sesame bowl, then put them in an oven tray and cover them with a cloth and leave them for a quarter of an hour (until they rest ), and then put them in the oven for 20 minutes, then the simit cake is ready.


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    • 500 grams of flour (5 cups)
    • 300 ml water (one and a half cups)
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 2 teaspoons sugar
    • 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
    • 5 g yeast (1 teaspoon)
    • A cup and a half of water
    • 2 tablespoons of date molasses
    • Quarter of a kilo of roasted sesame


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