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Arabic sweet (Warbat)

Warbat is one of the desserts that the Levant is famous for, usually eaten with cream, and after taking it out of the oven, a little syrup and pistachios are placed on it

Total Time
90 mins
Serves 5

How to Make It

  • 1. Part
    To prepare the rolls, we bring the dough sheets and we take 12 sheets of dough and cover the remaining part of the dough with a damp cloth to keep the dough soft and prepare a ruler and fold 8 cm in width so that the width of the dough and cut it along the dough so that it becomes 8 cm wide and the length is the same as the length of the sheet and we cut it so that it becomes We have a rhombus shape and we fold this rhombus in the middle and place it on the baking tray. To prepare the flowers, we bring about 12 sheets of the remaining dough and a round mold, then we cut the dough in a circle and put it in the oven tray. To prepare the nash, we bring the rest of the gene and a rather large bowl, cut the dough with it and put it in the oven tray. Then, after thawing the obesity, grease each of the flowers, roses and rinsing and put them in the lower part of the oven at a temperature of 200 ° C with the operation of the upper and lower part of the oven and leave it for 20 minutes. After it is ready, take it out of the oven and drain all the excess ghee, then spray it with drizzle.
  • 2. Part
    To prepare the syrup, put sugar and water and put it on fire after it boils. Add a piece of lemon and leave it for 30 seconds. After that, remove the lemon piece and add a drop of concentrated blossom water and leave it to cool until it is at room temperature. To stuff the nahsh, we open it in the middle, stuff it with cream, and to decorate it, put a little cream on top with a little pistachio. To prepare the roses, also open them in the middle and fill them with cream. To stuff the wares, we also open them from the front, stuff them with cream, and decorate the sides with pistachios.


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    • 140 ml water or half a glass of water
    • 180 g sugar or a glass of sugar
    • Diameter components:
    • 250 g ghee
    • Pistachios to taste
    • 1/2 kilo boiled cream or any kind of cream availab
    • 500 g dough chips


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