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Syrup sausage

Syrian sausage differs from other types of sausage known in the rest of the Arab countries, as it is a soft meat cooked with a large amount of spices and is usually served in the form of a sandwich with pickled cucumber .

Total Time
60 mins
Serves 5

How to Make It

  • 1. Part
    To prepare the dressing: In a bowl, put white vinegar, garlic, salt, cumin, black pepper, ginger powder, sweet paprika, dry hot pepper, fenugreek powder, cloves, nutmeg powder, then grind them all. We put the lamb and the meat in a bowl and knead them, then add the previous seasoning to them, then re-knead the ingredients well and then put the meat bowl in the refrigerator for a day - two days. How to apply the sausage: We open the bread, put the meat on it and spread it in a thin layer, put the bread in a bowl, on the fire and fry the bread with the meat, and after frying, we put the fried bread in the press until it is completely flat, and then we put a little of ketchup and pickle in the bread, then the sausage is ready.
  • 2. Part
    To prepare the trishka dough: In a bowl we put warm water, sugar, yeast, then we mix them well until the ingredients melt, and then close the bowl a little until the yeast interacts, and after the yeast interaction, we add milk and olive oil, then mix them well, and then Pour the mixture over the flour bowl, then knead all the ingredients until we get the consistency of the dough, after we get the dough, we put it in a bowl greased with a little oil, close it and leave it for half an hour. Applying the tushka dough (sausage with kashkawan): we pinch the dough, then separate each piece and put it in the oven tray, then add to each piece of meat and spread it on the piece, then we enter the tray in the oven, and we grill them in the oven, and then the tushka is ready.


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    • A small cup of olive oil
    • Pinch of salt
    • A tablespoon of yogurt
    • Half a teaspoon of sugar
    • 1 teaspoon instant yeast
    • 1 cup warm water
    • 3 cups flour
    • : For dough
    • Quarter teaspoon nutmeg small
    • A quarter of a small spoon of fine cloves
    • Half a teaspoon fenugreek powder
    • A small spoon of sweet paprika
    • A teaspoon of dried capsicum
    • Half a teaspoon ginger powder
    • Half a teaspoon of black pepper
    • Half a teaspoon of cumin
    • Teaspoon salt
    • 6 cloves of garlic
    • A small cup of white vinegar
    • 100 grams of lamb fat
    • 900 grams of high-fat lamb


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