To prepare the masala gram spices: In a frying pan, put coriander, cumin, star anise, black peppercorns, cardamom, bay leaves (if the leaves are large, put two leaves), cloves, cinnamon, fenugreek, nutmeg, then roast the spices. On the fire for about 4 minutes, and then we grind them well.
To season the chicken: first we cut the chicken into large pieces, then put them in a bowl and add to them yogurt, salt, black pepper (or white pepper), sweet paprika (and for you use hot paprika), lemon juice, olive oil (and for you put vegetable oil), Then we mix the chicken pieces with the spices well, and then put them in the fridge for two hours (and you put them for more than two hours; Vegetarian ((I used vegetable oil for frying, because butter or olive oil burns), (Do not put the chicken pieces all but take them one by one, and you must not get drunk on them or look at the water in their surroundings, and fry each side for two or three minutes, but that means until they take color; And on a strong fire)).
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