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Shami appetizers

Syrian tasqie is one of the simple recipes, which are often served at breakfast or dinner, and the tasqeeh is one of the Ramadan dishes that are served in Ramadan, and is characterized by its high nutritional value, delicious food, and easy preparation

Total Time
15 mins
Serves 5

How to Make It

  • 1. Part
    We put the chickpeas soaked a day before with water in a saucepan, then add the water, put the saucepan on the stove and leave it to boil, then remove the foam from the surface of the water. After that, we add sodium bicarbonate, then reduce the heat and saute the saucepan for half an hour. Al fakseh sauce: In a blender put olive oil, boiled chickpea broth, salt and mix.
  • 2. Part
    The Bedouin Sauce: In a bowl, put the yogurt with the addition of tahini, lemon juice, salt and mashed garlic and mix well. After that, we add a little boiled chickpeas and grind them well with a mixer. Basmah Fattah: We cut fried or dry bread as desired in a dark bowl. Then we add a layer of boiled chickpeas and pour the Bedouin sauce, then decorate it with chopped parsley, cumin and dry pepper. In a frying pan on the fire, put the ghee and leave it until it melts, then add the nuts to taste, after that we pour it on the bowl. Fatteh with oil: We cut the fried or dry bread as desired in a dark bowl. Then we add a layer of boiled chickpeas and pour the fracking sauce, garnishing with cumin


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    • olive oil
    • 3 cloves garlic
    • 1 lemon juice
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 2 large spoons tahini
    • 500 g yogurt
    • Sodium bicarbonate
    • dry news
    • 600 drenched chickpeas


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