Then we put on them our remaining mushrooms, then put on them the sugar-free cooking cream, then reduce the heat to become quiet and leave them for about 10-15 minutes ((1- Mushroom soup, we put meat broth and cream only, and we do not put milk)) ((2- If you don’t have cream and you want to dispense with it, it is equal to flour with butter with milk, something similar to the bechamel and put on it, there is no problem, but it is the goodness with cream)) ((3- The cream is as if you are using milk with a very high-fat content)) Then we take the pot off the stove and pour the soup into the bread (The color of the soup must be white) Then add thyme on top of the soup in the Then the soup is ready.
To prepare corn soup: First, put milk in the electric mixer, and put 2/3 of the amount of corn Then we grind the two ingredients well until the color becomes milk(light yellow), Then we bring a colander and filter them (And this is how we will grind the pulp and leave the peel, which we will not need) Then we add the roux paste to them, and then put them on a low heat to mix, then put salt (as you like) and white pepper Then we put garlic powder or fresh, and the tip of the spoon is turmeric to give the soup a sweet color and leave them until boiling, then we take the pot off the fire and pour the soup into the serving bowl. And put on the face of the bowl soft green onions (for garnish), Then it's ready.
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