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Roast chicken with two ways of cooking rice

Grilled chicken is one of the most popular and popular fast food dishes in Syria

Total Time
90 mins
Serves 5

How to Make It

  • 1. Part
    How to prepare chicken: In a bowl, put the chicken, add white vinegar and salt, then wash it. Seasoning stage: Cut the lemon slices, add salt and rub it, then add black pepper, dried coriander, cinnamon powder, tomato paste and put water over the mixture. After that, we add the chicken over the mixture and leave it for at least 5 hours in the fridge After the time expires, we take out the chicken, place it vertically on the barbecue skewer and place it in the oven tray filled with water (vertically) (it is possible to use a wide bottle filled with water and put it also in the oven tray filled with water (vertically)) and put a piece of lamb fat over it (to protect The chickens are quickly leveled on top until they absorb the fat, and if lamb fat is not available, it is possible to wipe the chicken after a period of putting it in the oven (40 minutes) from the chicken fat itself) Then we put the chicken in the oven (it is turned on from the top and the bottom half an hour before at 180 and the fan is turned on, if any) for an hour and a half.
  • 2. Part
    Rice preparation First method: We put the rice in a bowl and then wash it for several times In the cooking pot we put water, salt, herbs, ghee, and add the rice to the ingredients and leave the mixture until it boils, after boiling the mixture we leave it for ten minutes on the fire after that we filter the water and the rice is ready. Method two: We put the rice in a bowl, then wash it for several times In the cooking pot we put the ghee, then add the rice, water, salt, and put it on a strong heat until it boils, then we calm the fire and leave it until it is done.


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    • 150 grams of lamb fat.
    • 1.5 tablespoon ghee
    • Four grains of cardamom
    • Teaspoon salt
    • For each cup of rice, a cup and a bowl of water
    • Four cups of rice
    • The second method of rice
    • A tablespoon of ghee
    • 3 liters of water
    • Cinnamon stick
    • 2 dried lemons
    • Two bay papers
    • Five cloves.
    • Four beads
    • 1.5 teaspoon salt
    • Four cups of basmati rice
    • The first rice method:
    • Two tablespoons of tomato paste.
    • A liter and a half of water
    • Half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder
    • Half a teaspoon of black pepper.
    • A small spoon of dry coriander
    • One lemon
    • 1.5 teaspoon salt
    • Chicken weighing 1500 grams


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