
Spinach pancakes have a delicious aroma and taste; Spinach is one of the main dishes in the well-known Arab countries, and it is hardly devoid of spinach or spinach pies on Arab tables, with its distinctive and unique taste, precipitated by a popular meal for children and adults.

              Spinach pancakes

Pancakes are one of the side dishes that can be prepared alongside breakfast and stuffed with several fillings to suit your tastes, such as meat, chicken, vegetables, thyme, cheese and many other fillings.

              chicken dumplings

اللّحم بالعجين هو نوعٌ من أنواع الفطائر التي يتمّ فيها إعداد العجينة وتقطيعها لدوائر مناسبة الحجم ثم تُرق وتُفرد بشّكلٍ دّائري، ويتمّ وضع حشوة اللّحم عليها وتُخبز بالفرن وتُقدّم كوجبةٍ غنيّةٍ مع أنواع المقبّلات المختلفة

              Breakfast of a Syrian family in Ramadan 2 (meat with dough)

Lentil soup is a globally known soup made from boiled lentils, which, depending on the recipe, can be made from different colored lentils and can be thick or thin. As a rule, vegetables are also cooked.

              Lentil soup with Turkish Ramadan bread

Pasta is one of the most popular dishes that children love to eat because of its softness and different shapes, as well as because it can be cooked in a number of ways while retaining its delicious original flavor.

              Polonese sauce pasta - vegetable pasta - Mac Cheese

Bocha Fatayer is a Turkish pastry that is light, crisp and easy to prepare.

              Butcha Fatayer

The origins of pizza are Italy, as it is among the delicious and distinctive Italian cuisine, and it is known that fast pizza has many types and each type is characterized by a different flavor and taste, and pizza is the favorite meal for everyone, as women look for a way to make a pizza that children love with easy ingredients.

              Pizza Four Season

Sambousek is a triangular dough stuffed with cheese, meat or vegetables. It is spread on Arab tables during the month of Ramadan and is almost a distinctive sign in the month of Ramadan. It is a special dough stuffed with meat, vegetables, cheese, etc. It is either fried or baked.


Fatayer with cheese is one of the indispensable food on the Ramadan table, as children and family love it


البرك من ألذ المعجنات التي تحشى بأنواع مختلفة من الحشوات ، منها الجبن و اللحم و السبانخ ، يتم تحضيرها بسهولة .

              Burak With Pizza

Turkish bourek is one of the most famous pastries, especially in Turkish cuisine, as most people love it, and it is served on the dining table as a main dish, and it is easy to prepare.

              Turkish boric

Barak with cheese is one of the foods that cannot be dispensed with at all times and with all meals, as children and family love it for breakfast. It can also be served as an appetizer for lunch or dinner, and it tastes very delicious, its crunchy and golden color is irresistible, and its preparation is easy and here is the step-by-step method.

              Barak with cheese

Fatayer is a pastry that contains either meat or is stuffed with spinach, or cheese such as feta or akawi. It is part of Arab cuisine and is eaten in Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and other Arab countries.

              Syrian pastries cheese with peels

سمبوسك الفاهيتا قد تبدو غريبة ولكنها من ألذ الأكلات التي يمكنك تناولها بحشوتها اللذيذة بينما تعتبر شوربة العدس من ألذ الشوربات ذات القيمة الغذائية العالية.

              Samosa fajita with lentil soup

The Syrian breakfast on Eid al-Adha is usually made of chicken or sheep soup and sheep eggs with a wide variety of breakfast appetizers.

              Syrian breakfast on Eid al-Adha

Börek is one of the most famous pastries, especially in Turkish cuisine, as most people love it, and many mothers always wonder how to make Turkish börek with cheese, and it is served on the dining table as a main dish, and it is easy to prepare.

              Turkish boric without oven Adna Boric

Maarouk is a type of pastry that is popular in all Arab countries, the Levant and Syria in particular. Because the origin of the eater goes back to the Levant

              Maarouk AlShami

طاقية السلطان هي نوع من الفطائر الحلوة اللذيذة التي تنتشر في المطبخ العربي، والتي تتميز بقوامها الطري وطعمها الحلو .

              Sultan's Hat

Tartar Bake is a new recipe that looks like a shishbarak, served with cold yogurt with salt and garlic, which are doughy beads stuffed with minced meat and fried with a little oil.

              Tater berk

The fragile beehive is considered one of the most famous and most preferred pastries by the ladies of the house; They are balls of dough that are formed next to each other in the tray to give the shape of the beehive we know.


المناقيش هي نوع من المعجنات ، وهي عبارة عن أقراص رقيقة من العجين توضع عليها صلصات مختلفة (خليط زعتر مطحون وزيت زيتون)، جبنة بيضاء أو جبنة مع الزعتر وزيت الزيتون. تمد على مبسط خشبي ثم توضع في الفرن على حرارة عالية لتنضج و تؤكل ساخنة.

              Chef Omar's Pastries

بيغ ماك تاغو هي عبارة عن قطعة من اللحم المشوي مع صلصة بيج ماك الخاصة، توضع على قطعة خبز ، يضاف عليها قطع من الجبنة مع الخس المقطّع، البصل والفليفلة الحارة.

              Big Mac Taco

Lots of adults and children love pizza of all kinds; It is considered one of the delicious and delicious dishes for its ease of preparation and distinctive taste.

              Pizza in the pan

Lots of adults and children love pizza of all kinds; It is considered one of the delicious and delicious dishes for its ease of preparation and distinctive taste.

              Pizza in the pan

Warbat is one of the desserts that the Levant is famous for, usually eaten with cream, and after taking it out of the oven, a little syrup and pistachios are placed on it

              Arabic sweet (Warbat)

All kinds of pies are considered one of the most delicious and famous Syrian pastries.

              Pan pastries