
Crunchy French Fries .. Renew hot appetizer dishes on your trip and serve delicious potato dishes, a recipe worth trying

              The secret of potato crunch with the way cheddar sauce is prepared

Lentil soup is a globally known soup made from boiled lentils, which, depending on the recipe, can be made from different colored lentils and can be thick or thin. As a rule, vegetables are also cooked.

              Lentil soup with Turkish Ramadan bread

Bocha Fatayer is a Turkish pastry that is light, crisp and easy to prepare.

              Butcha Fatayer

Fatayer with cheese is one of the indispensable food on the Ramadan table, as children and family love it


Pancakes are pastries that can be served as breakfast with dessert with chocolate, honey, syrup, fruits and powdered sugar.


Turkish bourek is one of the most famous pastries, especially in Turkish cuisine, as most people love it, and it is served on the dining table as a main dish, and it is easy to prepare.

              Turkish boric

الكعك السوري المقرمش هو من ألذ أنواع الحلويات المشهورة في سورية فهو يقدم عادةً مع كوب من الشاي ويتميز الكعك بطعمه الرائع ومذاقه الهش


Fatayer is a pastry that contains either meat or is stuffed with spinach, or cheese such as feta or akawi. It is part of Arab cuisine and is eaten in Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and other Arab countries.

              Syrian pastries cheese with peels

The five strongest sandwiches at Chef Omar.

              Five sandwiches by Chef Omar

يتم تحضير الكشك من خليط البرغل المختمر مع اللبن والحليب، ويتم تجفيفه ليتحول إلى مسحوق ، حيث يمكن استخدامه في تحضير العديد من الأطباق المحلية.

              How to Prepare Kishka

The Syrian breakfast on Eid al-Adha is usually made of chicken or sheep soup and sheep eggs with a wide variety of breakfast appetizers.

              Syrian breakfast on Eid al-Adha

One of the most famous types of cakes in the world, which is considered the food of the rich and poor in Turkey, is the Simit cake.

              Simit cake

The people of Gaza prepare beans in several ways, including the Gazan method, which is mixed with olive oil and hot green pepper, and another way, in the Palestinian way, which notes the presence of ground chickpeas with beans.

              Gaza Beans

Falafel contains plant-based proteins and a good proportion of antioxidants .

              Falafel Syria

Börek is one of the most famous pastries, especially in Turkish cuisine, as most people love it, and many mothers always wonder how to make Turkish börek with cheese, and it is served on the dining table as a main dish, and it is easy to prepare.

              Turkish boric without oven Adna Boric

جظ مظ هي أكلة شعبية يشتهر فيها المطبخ العربي تتكوّن هذه الأكلة منَ البيض وَالبندورة حيثُ تُطبخ ويُضاف إليها البيض والسمن والملح والفلفل


Makdous is a Shami food. The Levant, especially Syria, is famous for its manufacture since ancient times. It is the small round eggplant, and some prefer other types of eggplant, which are “Homsi” or “Al-Hamwi.” Makdous is kept immersed in olive oil for a long time.

              Syrian eggplant

Beans are one of the side dishes that are eaten on breakfast tables in many Arab countries, especially the Levant, where beans are distinguished by containing many useful nutrients such as proteins, fiber, calories and others.

              Shami beans with lemon, garlic and yogurt

المناقيش هي نوع من المعجنات ، وهي عبارة عن أقراص رقيقة من العجين توضع عليها صلصات مختلفة (خليط زعتر مطحون وزيت زيتون)، جبنة بيضاء أو جبنة مع الزعتر وزيت الزيتون. تمد على مبسط خشبي ثم توضع في الفرن على حرارة عالية لتنضج و تؤكل ساخنة.

              Chef Omar's Pastries

Pasta is one of the favorite foods of all, and the large variety of its varieties makes it distinguished by its preparation in several ways.

              Turkish borek pasta

البوريك التركي واحد من الأطباق التركية المشهورة في المطاعم التركية وهي طبق سهل وبسيط وذو فائدة عالية .

              Turkish Borek

In this recipe, Chef Omar offers you five types of pies with new and innovative recipes (with potatoes and eggplant)

              Pastries Potatoes and eggplant

Syrian tasqie is one of the simple recipes, which are often served at breakfast or dinner, and the tasqeeh is one of the Ramadan dishes that are served in Ramadan, and is characterized by its high nutritional value, delicious food, and easy preparation

              Shami appetizers

الصفيحة تعتبر الطبق الشامي من الأكلات المشهورة في بلاد الشام و تركيا و سوريا بشكل خاص.

              The Fastest Safeha in The World

أسرار البيتزا وطرق تفريزها لشهر رمضان😍🔥

              4 Ways to Freeze Pizza

Using oatmeal we will prepare healthy oatmeal pancakes and cupcakes, this recipe is great for breakfast, or as a quick meal after returning from school for children

              Pancake oat and cupcake oat

Al-Mamounia al-Halabi is a semolina meal in which the Syrian city of Aleppo is famous. It is considered one of the Aleppo breakfast meals. It consists of semolina, ghee, sugar and cinnamon, and it is served alongside Syrian cheese or cream.

              Aleppo mamounia with cheese and shoaibat alternative

Croissants are a type of pastry rich in butter. The origin of the name is taken from the French name Croissant in relation to its crescent shape. Some fillings such as jam, honey, cheese and chocolate are added during baking or baked without it as a kind of regular bread.


All kinds of pies are considered one of the most delicious and famous Syrian pastries.

              Pan pastries

In this video, we offer you five economical and suitable recipes for keto diet and lunch boxes that are healthy and also suitable for children. These recipes are egg cupcakes with vegetables, cheese, and other healthy ingredients.

              Five economic recipes for keto diet and lynchbox

Eggplant contains many vitamins and important elements in addition to the importance of the iron element in it, which works to strengthen the bones, and provide the body with the elements it needs.

              eggplant jam

تحتوي العجة على العديد من المكونات اللذيذة والصحية، والتي أهمها البيض والخضار، لذلك تعتبر أكلة مغذية، وفيها كل ما يحتاج إليه الجسم من فيتامينات ومعادن وألياف.

              Aleppo omelette

Falafel .. is one of the traditional foods in Arab cuisine .. It is usually served as a filling for a loaf of bread with chickpeas and salad .. We offer you the original Shami falafel method.

              Shami Falafel

توجد المرتديلا في العديد من الدول والثقافات المختلفة، وتُستخدم المرتديلا في تحضير العديد من أصناف الطعام خاصةً المقبلات، مثل البيتزا، والباستا.

              How to Prepare Mortadella

المكدوس يعتبر من الأكلات الشهيرة في بلاد الشام و هو من الأطعمة التي تقدم على مائدة الفطور و يحتوي الكثير من القيم الغذائية فهو يتكون من الباذنجان و الجوز و الفليفلة الحمراء و بعض الثوم ، و هذا النوع من الأطعمة له مواسم للتحضير تبدأ في شهر أيلول كما يمكن تخزينه طوال فصل الشتاء .


يعتبر الكريب من الأطباق الجانبية ، و يمكن حشو الكريب المالح بالجبن و البقدونس ويحمص بالزبدة

              Savory Crepes

Coconut milk and almond milk are milk extracted from the ripe coconut and almond fruit, specifically the white pulp inside, which is thick and rich milk.

              Coconut Milk and Almond Flour

المقالي هي صنف من الطعام الذي يقدم على وجبات الفطور و الغداء و أحيانا يكون كمقبلات في المطبخ العربي ، يمكن استخدام أكثر من نوع من الخضار في المقليات كالبطاطا و الكوسا و الباذنجان و الزهرة .
